
Typical Selling Costs In Texas

Contrary to what many people think, you can actually manage to sell a house in Houston, Texas without spending a dime. And if you’ve of lately been contemplating entering the market, chances are you already know what selling costs in Texas are.

Our primary focus today, will be on how to sell my house in Houston, Texas, without wasting time, jumping hurdles, or worrying about the costs. But before we talk about how that’s possible, let’s first look at the costs involved when selling my home the traditional way in Texas.

Typical Selling Costs

The holding costs

This is honestly not that difficult to grasp; the longer the property stays on the market, the more money you use. You’ll be looking at a fortune spent on homeowners insurance, maintenance, utility bills, landscaping, property taxes, and mortgages if applicable. Selling a home fast equates to saving thousands of dollars.

The closing costs

In case you didn’t know, the closing costs normally cover things like the loan payoffs, surveys, and title search. So it’s no small amount. Even though the buyer will be responsible for a significant share or the costs, you will still be asked to pay anywhere from one to three percent of what the final sale price is. Fortunately, you still have the option of not paying, by working with professionals such as We Buy Fast Houston Houses.

The commission

If you’ve been thinking about ways in which you can sell my home in Houston without spending a dime, and you’re also researching on ways of reaching out to a reputable real estate agent, you obviously don’t know what you’re doing. Selling with a real estate agent means no matter how hard you try, you’ll always splash cash before you find the right offer. And even if the house is in a perfect condition, you still have to factor in the agent’s commission which usually accounts for at least 5 percent of the final sale price.

Marketing expenses

Marketing is an umbrella term used to cover things like the drone services, listing outside what are provided by the realtor, professional photography, premium listing placement, print materials, and much more. So much is usually included in a typical listing but not everything. That’s why a lot of the time Houston home sellers often find themselves shelling out extras so as to get their property seen.


Any property listed on the MLS has gone through repair work. The competition is stiff in the market so listing a home without making repairs is a cardinal sin. Make repairs wisely and ensure you disclose everything to the buyer to avoid legal issues down the road.

So how can one sell a home in Houston with spending a dime?

Simple! just pick up your phone and call us. You’ll get all the answers to your questions and maybe even get a onetime deal. All our offers are in cash and don’t come with any obligation.

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